除了度假旅遊菲律賓長灘島、宿霧群島、長灘島 ,遊學碧瑤、克拉克、宿霧、巴克羅之外一定要知道的地理常識
The Philippines Has More Than 7,500 Islands, Says NAMRIA
Charlene Gonzales-Muhlach 是1994年參加環球小姐的菲律賓代表(當時在馬尼拉舉辦) 曾經是90年代中媒體寵兒。當時, 他被問到, 「菲律賓總共有幾座島嶼?」他淘氣可愛的回答 「是漲潮時還是退潮時?」。他回答的答案是我們都知道是7101座島嶼, 但是,這可能不再適用,國家地圖和資源資訊管理局(NAMRIA)已經多發現了400個島嶼,總數達到了7507座島嶼。
這項消息在菲律賓的環境的高峰會上被自然資源與環境部門的秘書 Ramon Paje 公布出來
國家地圖和資源資訊管理局被指派提供大眾地圖製作的服務。同時他們也是負責所有地圖, 列表,內容和自然資源統計分析的單位
根據國家地圖和資源資訊管理局代表Jose Cabanayan所說, 一個島與被認定為一塊陸地 ,是必須考慮它的海平面高度和潮汐, 還有考慮它必須能夠支持植物或動物所生存的條件
該機構已經完成呂宋群島的有效土地調查, 下一步是維沙亞斯群島, 所有在呂宋, 維沙亞斯和民答那峨島的土地調查會在年底完成
有多少座島嶼接下來會被發現呢? 你可以猜猜看!!
Charlene Gonzales-Muhlach became a media darling in the mid-nineties when, as the representative of the Philippines in the Miss Universe 1994 pageant (which was held in Manila), she was asked how many islands the country has. She answered sassily, “High-tide or low-tide?” She then gave the answer we all knew: 7,107. But that may no longer apply as the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) has discovered 400 more islands, bringing the total to 7,507.
The news was announced by Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Ramon Paje at a speech at the Philippine Environment Summit.
NAMRIA discovered the additional islands, mostly in Mindanao, using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) technology, which they conducted in 2013.
The NAMRIA is the assigned agency to provide map-making services to the public. They are also in charge of maps, charts, texts and statistics of natural resources.
According to Jose Cabanayan Jr., deputy administrator of NAMRIA, for a landmass to be considered an island, it has to be above sea level and high tide at any given time, and has to be able to support plant or animal life, or both.
The agency has finished ground validation for Luzon, and will work on Visayas next. Ground validation for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao will be completed by the end of the year.
The Philippines’ unique landscape is composed of 7,107 islands. However, only 2,000 islands are inhabitable and have names.
How many islands will they discover next? Share your guess below!